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What We Do

School of life specializes in delivering Custom made Programs for different interest groups in our society and for different kind of organisations as well.
Broadly classifying School of life has developed programs for Corporates and Eductional Institutes.
For CORPORATES School of life works around themes of Gender Sensitization, Code of Conduct and Sexual Harassment at Workplace with reference to the POSH act 2013.
For Eductional Institutes School of Life works with all stakeholders Educators, Parents and Children – in and around themes of Child Safety and Protection stemming from Healthy ideas of Sexuality and Growing Up.
All of our programs are developed over time and our dynamic to the changes around us.

Training in Hayatpur Govt. school, Gurgaon

School of Life team conducting a comprehensive sexuality program with students of Hayatpur Govt School Gurgaon
The curriculum covers topics of growth, puberty and development, menstrual hygiene, safety from child sexual abuse, cyber safety, gender sanitization and equality, developing healthy body image, building emotional resilience, concepts of consent as well as safety from sexually transmitted diseases.
Programs conducted in age-appropriate messaging and through the interactive methodology

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